20 SEP - 22 NOV 2019
13:10 - 15:00 Every Friday
【名額 QUOTA】
5 students minimum
15 students maximum
原價 Original Price: NT$ 3,600
特價 Special Offer: NT$ 1,800
【注意事項 Notice】
→ 僅限華語中心在學學生。
→ Only for CLC students who are currently enrolled.
→ 本センターの外国在学生。
→ Sólo para aquellos que están matriculados actualmente.
→ Chỉ áp dụng cho học viên đang học tại Trung tâm tiếng Hoa.
請注意,報名本課程之學員皆須配合發表成果,並授權本中心使用該影音作品。Please note that at the end of the term, a small performance is required and the video/audio will be uploaded to our Website.
本課程不接受零起點學生報名 This class is for level 2 or above students only.