課程時間 Class Time/
2020/12/01 - 2021/02/09
13:10-15:00 Every Tuesday (22 hours in total)
地點 Location/
華語中心 Chinese Language Centre
參加對象 Eligibility/
Only for CLC students who have enrolled the 2020 Winter Term and finished Modern Chinese Book I.
學費 Tuition/
免學費 (原價 NT$ 4,400)
FREE (Original Price: NT$ 4,400)
押金 Deposit/
NT$ 1,000,須出席18小時則可退押金。
NT$ 1,000 (the deposit will be refunded for students who attend classes for at least 18 hours)
請至華語中心辦公室報名! Sign up at the CLC office!⚡