介紹中秋節的由來與習俗、品嚐月餅。 Introduction to the origins and customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival and mooncake tasting.
時間和地點 Time & Venue
9月15日 下午1:10 – 下午3:00 [GMT+8] 華語中心 Chinese Language Centre
活動詳情 Event Details
欲參加者請至華語中心辦公室繳交押金 NT$100 報名。
Only available to students currently enrolled in our centre.
Sign up by paying a NT$100 deposit at the Chinese Language Centre office.
本中心每月固定開設各式主題講座,供本中心學員免費報名參加! 💡立即報名課程,來文藻學華語! The CLC offers a variety of free lectures every month for our students! 💡Join our Chinese Courses Today!