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2024 秋季華語班學費限時優惠方案 倒數中!2024 Autumn Term Special Offers

2024 秋季班課程起訖日

2024.09.09 - 2024.11.24
每週上課 15 小時

一、學費早鳥優惠:即日起至 2024/08/09 止。





二、晚鳥優惠:2024/08/10 起至 2024/09/06 止。

新生: 學費97折
舊生: 學費95折


  1. 本中心將於2023年春季班起調整學費,敬請隨時關注本中心官網之最新消息公告。

  2. 其餘未盡事宜,將依照本中心官網公告之最新消息團體班學生須知退費政策為主。

  3. 由於每班名額有限(10人滿班),未付費或未完成分班測驗者,恕不代為保留名額。


2024 Autumn Term Course Dates

2024.09.09 - 2024.11.24
15 hours per week

1. Early bird discount (Before 9, August)

  • New Applicants: 5% discount on the tuition of the group course

  • Former Students: 10% discount on the tuition of the group course

2. Late bird discount (10, August - 06, SEP.)

  • New Applicants: 3% discount on the tuition of the group course

  • Former Students: 5% discount on the tuition of the group course

3. Terms and Conditions:

  • For the unmentioned matters, we will act according to the announcement in the latest news section, group class rules and refund policy publicized on the official website of the center.

  • Due to the limited number of students in each class (10 students per class), places will not be reserved for those who have not paid the tuition or completed the placement test.


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