視疫情狀況,華語團體班將會採取混合式教學,以「實體上課」為主,如遇政府公告大專校院實體課停課,將改以線上上課。如疫情趨緩,則可依政府公告而恢復實體上課; 如疫情持續嚴重,則持續線上上課。
依現行防疫規範,11/7起教職員工生若確診需進行 7 天隔離。如確診,請務必主動通報華語中心辦公室。隔離期間禁止進入校園。在填寫完前述回報系統後,實體課程將轉為線上上課。
2022 冬季班課程起訖日
2022.12.05 - 2023.02.24
每週上課 15 小時
一、學費早鳥優惠:即日起至 2022/11/04 止。
新生 | 舊生 |
學費95折 | 學費9折 |
二、晚鳥優惠:2022/11/05 起至 2022/12/02 止。
新生: 學費97折
舊生: 學費95折
三、推薦親友享折扣:僅限就讀 2022 冬季班之新生,不可與其他優惠併用。
舊生推薦親友到本中心成為團體班正式生者,每推薦一名新生可獲「2023 年華語團體班 300 元學費折價券」,推薦二名則獲得「2023 年華語團體班 600 元學費折價券」,以此類推,其餘規定請見注意事項。
被推薦人之新生可免報名費 NT$ 500 (不限時間),並減免當期學費 NT$1,000 (限 11/04 前繳費者)或減免當期學費 NT$500 (限 11/05-12/02 繳費者)。
舊生可獲得之禮品: 每推薦一名新生可獲「2023 年華語團體班 300 元學費折價券」。
Announcement on Regulation in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
The group classes are planned to be conducted "in-person on campus." If the government announces the suspension of schools at all levels, in-person classes will be converted to online synchronous classes. If the situation has gotten better, the form of teaching can be converted back to in-person. Otherwise, it will stay online.
According to the current epidemic prevention regulation, students and teachers must undergo 7 days of quarantine if they were tested positive starting 7 November. If a staff member or student is tested positive, he/she must inform the office of the Chinese Language Center. During those days, students are not allowed to go to school. After reporting to the online systems, the course will be switched to online temporarily.
The current epidemic prevention regulations will be subject to change at any time in accordance with the announcement from the Ministry of Education.
2022 Winter Term Course Dates
2022.12.05 - 2023.02.24
15 hours per week
1. Early bird discount (Before 04, November)
New Applicants: 5% discount on the tuition of the group course
Former Students: 10% discount on the tuition of the group course
2. Late bird discount (05, NOV. - 02, DEC.)
New Applicants: 3% discount on the tuition of the group course
Former Students: 5% discount on the tuition of the group course
3. Referral Program (only available for new applicants of Winter Term 2022 )
Former students recommend relatives or friends to become full-time students of the group classes in the center. For each new student, you (referrer) can get "A NT$300 Coupon for 2023 tuition at Wenzao CLC" , recommend two for "A NT$600 Coupon for 2023 tuition at Wenzao CLC", and so on and so forth. Please read the Terms and Conditions for detailed regulations.
3.1.Referrals are exempt from the registration fees of NT$ 500 AND
can either waive the tuition fee of NT$1,000 for the 2022 Winter term if the payment is made before 04, November.
or can waive the tuition fee of NT$500 for the 2022 Winter term if the payment is made between 05, NOV. and 02, DEC.
**This program cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
4. Terms and Conditions:
The referral must fill in the "Referrer's Student ID Number" in the "Recommended Person" field of the Admission Application Form. The referrer must provide the "Referral's Passport Number" of the Center. If the procedure is not completed, it will be regarded as abandonment of the offer.
The coupon for 2023 tuition at Wenzao CLC will be issued to the referrer in the third week of the term. The coupon can only be redeemed against the tuition of the center's group classes, and cannot be converted into cash. The coupon is valid for one year and can only be used by the referrer. A maximum of three coupons can be used in each term, which can be used in conjunction with other discounts.
If a new student who joins the referral program applies for a refund, it will be refunded proportionally according to the actual amount paid in accordance with the center's refund policy, and no coupon will be given to the referrer.
The tuition fee will be adjusted from the 2023 Spring term. The details of the adjustment will be announced in the latest news section on our official website.
For the unmentioned matters, we will act according to the announcement in the latest news section, group class rules and refund policy publicized on the official website of the center.
Due to the limited number of students in each class (10 students per class), places will not be reserved for those who have not paid the tuition or completed the placement test.